An open letter to the girl that puts everyone else before herself

You pour your heart into everything and everyone. Yet you don’t leave anything for yourself. You are that friend that is always there for everyone whether it’s 2 pm or 4 am, you are there ready to listen and help. You have a hard time saying no to people because you don’t like letting people down. You would light yourself on fire if it meant making someone else happy. You destroy yourself, change yourself, just to make others happy. Well you do all of this for others you end up leaving yourself empty with nothing left to give yourself when you need it. You have lost yourself along the way and now you are just surviving, living for others use and others happiness.

It’s okay to want to be there for people, to be nice to people, but you need to stop giving them everything and save some of you for you. Trust me I know it’s hard, but it’s also hard being empty and not having love for yourself.  


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